Scottish junior doctor ballot for strike action opens

After months of preparations by members and staff of BMA Scotland, 29th March is the day that our “upcoming ballot” has become our “ongoing ballot”. 

Thousands of us have been organising our workplaces in a way never before seen by our union, with junior doctors leading the way and standing up for what we deserve – what has been eroded from our paycheque over the last 15 years. 

At risk of sounding like a broken record, junior doctors today are not worth 23.5% less than our peers were in 2008. We are losing doctors to other countries or industries, and then losing more and more doctors to the burnout that the resulting rota gaps perpetuate. Its been said time and time again, and we all know it to be true, but the Scottish Government don’t seem to be getting the message.

In the week that the former cabinet secretary for health has been elected First Minister, we hope that this can be a reset in the industrial dispute. We have repeatedly asked for negotiations around our pay and we have been knocked back every time. Humza Yousaf campaigned on the fact there were no strikes in our Scottish NHS, but if he – and his new Cabinet Secretary for Health – don’t engage with us to achieve full pay restoration, strikes will come to NHS Scotland within their first few months in post.

So if those strikes are to happen, and it’s looking almost inevitable that they will, then now our work really begins. On our ward walks we want to speak to every junior doctor in Scotland about the ballot, and remind them all to post back their ballot as soon as possible. Haven’t had a ward walk come to your ward yet? Sign up as an activist and get the tools to do your own. We cannot do this without every one of us playing our role. We know this can be intimidating, but know you’re likely preaching to the converted. The BMA in Scotland is bursting with junior doctors, and over 5000 can’t be wrong. We demand better, and we’re going to win it.

As well as ward rounds, we need everyone posting pictures of those bright orange envelopes- we didn’t make them that eye catching for nothing! It sends a visible sign of strength before we get the government to the table, and reminds our peers to look for theirs. If yours hasn’t arrived by 5th April, get in touch at and we can get one out to you. To avoid this happening, check your details one more time to make sure everything is up to date, and join as a member before then to be guaranteed to be able to have your say.

The BMA junior doctor committee could not be clearer: full pay restoration is an absolute priority for the workforce and for the NHS. The Scottish Government has 5 weeks until our ballot closes on 5th May- it must act now to stop Scotland’s junior doctors from going on strike over pay for the first time in our history. Our job as doctors and BMA members, meanwhile, is to vote yes in the ballot to show we’ve realised our power, we’ve organised effectively, and we are unequivocal in our demand for better. Talk to your colleagues at work about our unacceptable pay erosion, and to ensure they have their say by returning their ballot.  

There is still the opportunity to avert a 72-hour walkout by all junior doctors – we urge the Scottish Government to seize it. 

Dr Chris Smith is Chair of BMA Scotland’s Junior Doctor Committee

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