Play your part in your union: Check and update your details today

It goes without saying that a union’s power comes from its members. Without YOU, we simply wouldn’t be able to act on your priorities and wield the influence we do.

That’s why we can only move forward and make progress on key issues with your active support and involvement. Of course, there will always be more active union members than others.

But, as we move into a crucial period – in particular on pay across all parts of the profession – there is something we need every single BMA member to do if at all possible: update your details.

We can only bring you with us, keep you informed and give you the chance to feed in your views if we are able to reach you effectively. Indeed, as was the case with junior doctors last year, if we are to move to ballots for any part of the profession strict rules mean that we need all your details – including your postal address – to be up to date.

So please – wherever you work in Scotland, one of the key ways you can support us at the moment is to take the five minutes needed to log in and check your details. The image above shows exactly how to do it in three easy steps (click to expand) – the process is simple and the result really can make a difference, both so you can input, but equally to strengthen the collective voice of your union.

For more updates – in particular from your respective Branch of Practice Committees – follow us on social media, or on our blog site.

Our aim is communicate regularly and effectively – and listen to your feedback, acting on it where we can.

Together and just as we have done before, we can show the power of doctors, of YOUR union and the medical profession of Scotland. And just as before we’ll use that power to speak up for doctors, for patients and for the future of our NHS.

Dr Iain Kennedy is Chair of BMA Scotland’s Council

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