Doctors in Scotland – get involved in YOUR union

It’s undeniable that we are in turbulent times within the NHS right now. It’s clear that while outside of the NHS life may feel mostly back to normal, inside the health service the pandemic is far from over. While it is still ostensibly just about summer, I suspect that many of you are also already feeling the ‘winter’ pressures building where you work.

It has never been more important to be part of a trade union – and although here at BMA Scotland we’re often talking to you about national policies and negotiations, as I start in my new role as Chair of our Scottish LNC forum, I’m here to highlight the importance of our local work, and how you can get involved.

I often get asked about what BMA Scotland is doing, but too often it is in the second person rather than more collectively. We need to change that. We are not a homogenous group – your Local Negotiating Committee (LNC) should include junior doctors, SAS grades, consultants working from a variety of specialties alongside salaried GPs and potentially dentists too (those working in hospital practice share contractual terms with us). Equally as a junior doctor, I cannot of course forget the 3 junior doctor sub-committees (JDS) across the country (Lothian, Grampian & Greater Glasgow & Clyde) and NES’s own LNC working to represent issues affecting junior doctors. These JDSs are modelled around the 4 lead employers. I know personally how these can work to success having seen how here across the west of Scotland through monitoring and banding disputes over £1,000,000 was won for members within a year as our local teams supported members to raise issues and push forward for improved, safer working patterns.

These past few months we’ve seen how collectively doctors across the country have been having their say on pay, and as that crucial work will continue through our branch of practice committees (SCC, SSASC, SJDC & SGPC) we need you to support your local committees too. Our local committees  feed directly into the national work, but also work to deal with the more local and often day to day concerns. We need to ensure every important issue is raised and every voice is heard, and also that we’re ready to work together collectively as needed.  

So, we need to know what problems are affecting you? What issues really grind your gears? What changes could be made that could truly impact on your working life? Is it as simple as the lack of toaster in your break areas? Is your job plan accurate? Is your rota compliant? Is there a contractual issue you aren’t sure on? Or is there another more complex employment concern? Your LNC or JDS can help you with these and many more issues, so please get in touch with any local collective issues that are bothering you and your colleagues.

Of course, for individual issues your LNC/JDS reps can help or you can always call 0300 123 123 3 or email for advice and support from our advisers.

And, we are always looking for more reps and local activists, so why not come and get involved? You can spend as much or as little time on BMA work as suits your schedule (and remember you are entitled to reasonable paid time off for trade union duties)  and you ‘ll get training and support from our excellent staff and more experienced reps. Help us change the way things work in your workplace for the better. Whether that be by dropping us a line about the problems affecting you and your colleagues or by coming along to your next LNC meeting. We need you. BMA Scotland is here to represent you – nationally, regionally and locally. I say it a lot, but it really is true, a union is only as good as the members within it, and that’s on all of us. Interested? Just email your LNC or to find out more.

Dr Lailah Peel is Chair of BMA Scotland’s LNC Forum

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